Final Conference

Final Conference

Welcome to the Final Conference of the COST Action FA1403 POSITIVe to be held the 25th and 26th of September 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.

Logo Final Conference

The scientific network COST POSITIVe was developed to address through a multidimensional approach, the complexity of the inter-individual variation in response to plant food bioactives consumption and in relation with the prevention of cardiometabolic disorders. This large network has gathered top-level scientists from diverse research areas (nutritionists, clinicians, microbiologists, experts in gut microbiome, nutrigenomics, molecular biologists and food scientists) and from more than 70 Universities and  Research Institutions distributed across 32 European countries. During these past four years, these experts have worked together to compile and critically analyse the available literature in order to enhance our understanding of the potential factors responsible for the inter-individual variation in response to plant food bioactives consumption, including aspects related with  their bioavailability and with their bioefficacy to improve cardiometabolic health. Considering these factors is crucial for establishing effective food based dietary guidelines underpinned by scientific knowledge of which food components are responsible for the health effects, which individuals can benefit from them, and how the knowledge can be used for the design of foods with specific health claims and personalized nutrition.

The final Conference of the COST Action POSITIVe, opened to the whole scientific community,  will present the main findings of the work carried out within the network and will also invite distinguished speakers to present recent advances and interesting perspectives in the field of personalized nutrition. This conference will also be the place for discussion with panels of scientists and stakeholders about the integration of plant food bioactive compounds in future strategies of precision nutrition to become healthier.

We hope that you will join us for this POSITIVe’s conference!

Thank you for your consideration.


The Steering Committee of the Action.

Satellite symposium of:


NOVA University rectory building
Campus de Campolide, Lisboa


Registration to the COST Conference is open to everybody and is available at
Registration fees: 50 euros (for everybody) - By bank transfer only


25th September, 2018

8.00 - 8.45: Welcome participants

26th September, 2018

8.45 - 17.30: Main Findings from POSITIVe: Major determinants involved in interindividual variations in plant food bioactives ADME and cardiometabolic responses

9.00 - 16.30: Recent advances in research on interindividual variability and interesting perspectives in the field of personalized nutrition

  • 8.45-9.00: Introduction of the COST Action POSITIVe - Final Conference -Christine Morand, National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRAE), Clermont Ferrand, France
  • 9.00-9.35: Determinants of interindividual variability in absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of plant food bioactives - Tom van de Wiele, Univ of Ghent, Belgium
  • 9.35-10.10: β-Carotene in Humans – Metabolic Pathway and Bioactivation - from Digestion to Tissue Distribution and Excretion - Torsten Bohn, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Strassen, Luxembourg
  • 10.10-10.45: Key determinants of flavonoids metabolism following mixed dietary flavonoid source – COB Study  - Anne Marie Minihanne, Univ of East Anglia, UK

Break (30 min)

  • 11.15-11.50: Untargeted metabolomics for assessment of true exposure to plant food bioactives - Claudine Manach, Institut Nationale de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), Clermont Ferrand, France
  • 11.50-12.25: Quality of reporting of clinical trials addressing the inter-individual variation in response to plant bioactives - Aleksandra Konic-Ristic, Univ of Belgrade, Serbia - University College Dublin, Ireland




  • 13.55-14.30: Investigating variability in cardiometabolic response to plant food bioactives: approaches and main findings from POSITIVe - Ana Rodriguez-Mateos, King’s College, London, UK
  • 14.30-15.05: Evaluation of cell and molecular targets of plant food bioactives: implications for inter-individual variability - Dragan Milenkovic, Institut Nationale de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), Clermont Ferrand, France
  • 15.05-15.40: Impact of gut microbial metabolism on cardiometabolic markers - Francisco Tomas-Barberan, CEBAS-CESIC, Murcia, Spain

Break (30min)

  • 16.10-16.45: Beyond results - lessons learned from POSITIVe meta analyses- Emilie Combet, University of Glasgow, UK


  • 9.00-9.30: Main findings from Food 4Me - Next steps- Eileen Gibney, University College of Dublin, Ireland
  • 9.30-10.00: Personalized intervention: a precision approach for the next generation of intervention studies- Baukje de Roos, University of Abeerden, UK
  • 10.00-10.30: Microbiome variants in relation to bioavailability of plant food bioactives- Kieran Tuohy, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Trento, Italy 

Break (30 min)

  • 11.00-11.30: New personalized strategies for optimal metabolic responses to fibre-rich foods. Prof.Rikard Landberg, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 11.30-12.00: Lifestyle in the context of precision medicine - Paul Franks, University of Lund, Sweden




  • 13.30-14.00: Personal determinants of consumers’ healthy and sustainable food choices- Wim Verbeke, Univ of Ghent, Belgium


The views of stakeholders

  • 14.00-14.15: Personalised or Precision Nutrition - what is the reality for the food industry? -Dr. Amelia Jarman,Science & Technology Director, Future Health & Wellness Platform, UNILEVER, UK
  • 14.15-14.30: From science to market: challenges of personalized nutrition with botanical-Dr. Pascale Fanca Berthon, Head of Nutrition & Health Science, Naturex, France
  • 14.30-14.45: Food innovation and personalized nutrition: What is (Spanish) industry demanding from scientists and technologists - Dr. Carlos Javier González Navarro ,Director of Innovation, Centre for Nutrition Research, University of Navarra, Spain.
  • 14.45-15.00:  Technologies and knowledge for tailored, scientifically grounded products and services in personalized nutrition. Dr. Marjan van Erk (TNO; program manager public-private consortium on Personalised Nutrition & Health, NL)
  • 15.00-15.15: Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Precision Nutrition are transforming the way people eat and drink- Dr Adrian Hodgson, Nutrition Innovation Consultant, SPOON-GURU

16.45-17.30: Round Table "Future for plant food bioactives in precision nutrition"

  •  Moderated by chairs
  •  Particpants: WG leaders, speakers and the audience

Introductive talk: “POSITIVe Roadmap”, Baukje de Roos, Univ of Aberdeen, UK

15.15-16.00: Round table "Debate on personalized nutrition and health with a panel of stakeholders"

Moderator:  Maria Teresa Conesa, CEBAS-CSIC, Spain

16.00-16.30: Closing

Including time for group photos of POSITIVe attendees at the Final Conference

16h45 Opening Ceremony of FBH 

Opening Conference : "Diet, nutrients and inflammaging", Philip Calder (UK)

> Open for free to POSITIVe partners  

About 2nd FBH

The Final Conference of POSITIVe is organized as a satellite of the 2nd conference on Food Bioactives and Health (Website).
POSITIVe participants can submit their abstracts to FBHC until the 15 June at

One-day registration at FBH is possible for POSITIVe members :

  • students 100€
  • academic 200€
  • Industry 300€

For registration just for one day please contact FBHC organizing committee (

Practical Information for POSITIVe partners

See also