2016: Use of Metabolomics

1st TRAINING SCHOOL on “Use of metabolomics in nutrition research”

 “Use of metabolomics in nutrition research”


The Action will organise a 2-steps Training School on Metabolomics:

- PART 1 (24, 26, 30 May 2016): a theoretical course given through webinars accessible to a number of partners. Lectures will be given by 8 experienced trainers from 6 research institutions in 6 COST countries.

- PART 2 (5-8 July, 2016): a 4-days practical course for about 15 trainees interested to develop rapidly metabolomics in their lab. This practical part will be welcomed at the University of Barcelona by the Biomarkers & Nutrimetabolomic Research Group of the Pharmacy School-University.  

List of selected participants for the practical course

For any further information about this Training School, please contact directly the organiser: Rafael Llorach Asuncion. University of Barcelona

email: rafallorachasuncion@gmail.com





Three webinars will be arranged in May 2016 on separate days (24, 26, 30 May 2016).

Each webinar will have a duration between 1.5-2 hours and cover three lectures.


The participation to webinars is open to all, but each attendee must register first. The link to register will be given soon to POSITIVe partners by Dr Llorach.Then participants will receive an email invitation to join the webinars. According to availabilities, participants may register for only one or two days. 

The deadline to register to webinars is May 24th

Learning objectives

- To understand the importance of metabolomics in nutrition studies.
- To know the applicability, advantages and limitations of the non-targeted and targeted approaches under different circumstances in nutrition
- To be familiar with the main metabolomics platform techniques such as MS and NMR and to identify the advantages and drawbacks concerning the different technologies platforms applied in the nutrimetabolomics experiments.
- To get first insights into data processing and the main approaches used for data analysis and interpretation in nutrimetabolomics studies

Topics covered:

- Introduction to metabolomics including basic concepts, untargeted vs. targeted approaches, applications in nutrition and analytical workflow description.
- Strategies for data analysis and metabolite identification including main aspects including of data processing, statistics and metabolite identification.
- Application of nutrimetabolomics in discovery markers studies including successful studies, application of different technical platforms and relationships between health and food intake.


  • Introduction to Metabolomics. (Tuesday, May 24, 15:00-17:00)

Short introduction. Rafael Llorach Asuncion. University of Barcelona, Spain

  1. Applications of metabolomics in nutrition. Lars Ove Dragsted. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. (15:05-15:45)
  2.  The metabolomics workflow. Rafael Llorach Asuncion. University of Barcelona, Spain. (15:50:16:20)
  • Strategies for data analysis and metabolite identification in metabolomics studies. (Thursday, May 26, 15:00-17:00)

Short introduction. Rafael Llorach Asuncion. University of Barcelona, Spain (15:00-15:05)

  1. Data processing and analysis in nutrimetabolomics studies. Carl Brunius. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden (15:05-15:35)
  2. Strategies for metabolite identification and confirmation ID. Estelle Pujos-Guillot. Metabolism and Mass Spectrometry Platform, INRAE Clermont-Ferrand, France (15:40:16:10)
  3. Identification Databases in nutrimetabolomics: the most useful online resources. Claudine Manach. INRAE Clermont-Ferrand, France (16:15:16:45)
  • Application of nutrimetabolomics in discovery markers studies. (May 30, 15:00-17:00)

Short introduction. Rafael Llorach Asuncion. University of Barcelona, Spain (15:00-15:05)

  1. Discovery of biomarkers of whole grain intake using non-targeted LC-MS metabolite profiling. Kati Hanhineva University of Eastern Finland.(15:05-15:25)
  2. Characterization of microbial metabolism of polyphenols using GCxGC-TOFMS. Anna-Marja Aura VTT. Technical Research Centre of Finland. (15:30-15:50)
  3. Host-microbe co-metabolism assessed by LC-MS and NMR metabolomics. Sofia Moco. Nestle Institute of Health Sciences, Switzerland. (15:55-16:15)
  4. Clinical phenotype clustering in cardiovascular risk patients for the identification of red wine polyphenol intake. Rafael Llorach Asuncion. University of Barcelona, Spain. (16:20-16:40)


List of selected participants for the practical course

Place and Dates:

Barcelona 5-8 July 2016. Campus de l’Alimentació Torribera (Santa Coloma de Gramanet (http://www.ub.edu/campusalimentacio/en/index.html).

Uni Barcelona

Target audience:

This 4-days course is aimed at up to 15 participants acquainted with metabolomics.


The selection of participants will be made by the organiser upon the review of the documents resquested (motivation letter, CV, and opinion letter from the head of the lab) that must be sent to rafallorachasuncion@gmail.com.

The application period will end on May 20. An email will be sent to accepted participants no later than June 1st.

Financial support to trainees: 620 €

The trainee grant does not necessarily cover all expenses related to attending the Training School. It is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses.

Trainees will be staying at the ABARCO Apartaments (about 15 minutes’ walk from the campus), where the organizer has negotiated special prices.

Learning objectives

- Analyze the complexity of LC-MS metabolomics data.

- Assess the in-silico strategies to annotate the mass features.

- Practice the skills to carry out the computational-assisted identification of biomarkers.

- Discuss the relations between dietary information and food metabolome

- Evaluate the ability to predict the food intake using Nutrimetabolomics data

Practical Training School topics

 Module 1: Biomarkers characterization and annotation. Novel solutions to characterize and annotate biomarkers in nutrimetabolomics studies.

Module 2: Metabolite identification. Strategies to characterize, annotate and identify metabolites in the context of Nutrimetabolomics studies.

Module 3: Nutrimetabolomics and Phytochemicals intake. New strategies to improve the predictive capacity to evaluate food intake.

How works each module?

The mornings will be devoted to present the main theoretical aspects concerning with the module’s topic, to introduce the practical session (a question to solve) and to divide the audience in working groups. During the afternoon, it will be developing the practical session. To conclude the session, each group will present its proposals and the results will be discussed with the trainers in an open discussion.


All the sessions will be developed in an informatics room. Each participant will have a computer. This room also have all of the facilities for teach (projector, white board, etc.).
