3rd WG meeting (Bucharest - 2016)

3rd WG meeting (Bucharest, Romania - 2016)

3rd Working Groups meeting and 2nd TT meeting of COST Action FA1403 March 15-17, 2016 Romania, Bucharest, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine

The 3rd WG meeting was hosted by the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest.

It was held from March 15 at 13:30 to March 17 after lunch, except for ECIs (17:00).

This meeting was an opportunity to summarize the first year of the Action and to present the programme of the 2nd year. The programme was shared between time in WG 1 and 2 and FG and scientific session (oral communications & posters). The Think Tank Group of ECIs had its 2nd meeting on March 17, afternoon (also possibility to associate POSITIVe’s ECIs not on place through webinars).

Number of invited participants on COST funds was limited to 50.

POSITIVe partners who want to come on their own funds were welcome!

usamv bucharest

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest

Some picture of this event:

Palace of the Parliament

Ceaucescu 's Palace - Palace of  the Parliament

Local Organizers

Dr. Liliana Tudoreanu 
Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Heavy Metals Transport and Accumulation in the Food Chain and Modeling
USAMV of Bucharest - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Dr Mario Codreanu codveterinary@yahoo.com
and Dr Alin Birtoiu bitoiu_vet@yahoo.com
USAMV of Bucharest - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Organizer of the Round Table with the Iseki Food Association - Dr Adrian Oros
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj- Academic center of Cluj

Sponsors of the Third POSITIVe meeting: Berd Trading (www.berd.ro) Romania and ProAnalysis Romania (www.proanalysis.ro)

Central University Library of Bucharest

Central University Library of Bucharest

Programme - General overview

Download the programme

Tuesday 15, pm
Assessment of Year1-Programme of year 2
Presentation by each WG leader: Work in progress, programme of year 2
Parallel WG meetings
Round Table with the Iseki Food Association

You can find the presentations and the recording of the roundtable between POSITIVe members and  ISEKI Food Association  at https://www.iseki-food.net/general/events/ifa_organised/round_table_COST

Wednesday 16
Lectures (plenary)
Parallel WG 1, WG2 meetings
Poster session
Parallel WG1, WG2 meetings
Steering Committee meeting
Poster session

Thursday 17
Focus Group meeting
Parallel WG1, WG2 meetings

pm : (only for ECIs)
Think-Tank Group meeting

A call is open for poster presentation in Bucharest


This meeting gave opportunity to attendees to present their research to other partners in order to stimulate fruitful discussions and scientific exchanges between POSITIVe partners.

If interested to present one or more posters from your group, please send to Liliana Tudoreanu (liliana_tudoreanu223@hotmail.co.uk), no later than March 10th, a short abstract, including title, name, affiliation, and text (<250 words).

This abstract was printed in the meeting booklet and also put on the POSITIVe’s webpage.

Social Event

A guided tour of Bucharest (1/2 days) including the House of Parliament, and a Guided tour of the most relevant castles and citadels of Romania was organized (2 days) after the  POSITIVe Meeting.

Please contact Dr Liliana Tudoreanu directly  for details.

The trips were not financially supported by the COST Action POSITIVe.

General information for participants & ACCOMODATION