Trainings & Webinars

Trainings & Webinars

List of the Training School organized by the COST Action POSITIVe


Date & Place

Use of metabolomics in nutrition research

Organizer: Rafael Llorach Asuncion (University of Barcelona, Spain)

Webinar: 24, 26, 30 May 2016

Practical: 5-8 July 2016 (Barcelona - Spain)

Use of nutrigenetics & nutri(epi)genomics in nutrition

Organizers: Dr. Anne-Marie Minihane, Dr. Baukje de Roos, Dr. Dragan Milenkovic & Dr. Wim Van den Berghe

Webinar: Sept. 2017

Practical: Sept. 2017 (Thessaloniki - Greece)

Other Webinars

Prediction of retention time for plant food bioactives: presentation and application of PredRet

Watch again this webinar

July, 12th 2018

eBASIS and PhytoHub databases

(Organized by WG1)

Watch again this webinar

Part1 (eBASIS)

Part2 (PhytoHub)

May, 11th  2017

Modification date: 24 May 2023 | Publication date: 13 October 2016 | By: L-Em. Monfoulet