Special STSM 2017

Special STSM 2017

Special STSM 2017 on "Gene expression regulation in human trials following intervention with bioactive compounds: a literature survey."

Gene expression regulation in human trials following intervention with bioactive compounds: a literature survey.


As part of the activities of WG2, we want to elucidate the potential cell and molecular targets of the plant bioactive compounds and (or) of their derived metabolites.  Understanding gene expression regulation as a response of the consumption of plant bioactives is a key issue in the process of clarifying the molecular mechanisms of action of these compounds in the body. There are already a considerable amount of published human intervention studies looking at the regulation of gene expression in different cells and tissues after the intake of a range of bioactive compounds or foods enriched in these compounds.

The specific goal of this STSM is to progress in the literature data extraction from all those articles with the aim of preparing an updated review of the human studies looking at gene expression regulation by food bioactive compounds.

We have already collected a large number of articles updated until 2017 and have also designed a template (Excel file) to extract the information needed from those articles. The STSM will be devoted to:

1)     Complete data extraction

2)     Improve template if necessary

3)     Update literature with most recent published studies (if any)

4)     Start preparing a draft of the review: main objectives and results



Host institute: CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, Spain

Research scientist in charge at the host institute: Dr. Mayte García-Conesa

Duration: around 4 weeks

Timing: May-June 2017

Deadline for applications: First-second week of April 2017